Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sex Sells. Unless You're Selling Sex....

Why is prostitution illegal?!
OK, the title of this post is kind of misleading, because sex does still sell. I meant legally selling, and it would have made it sound more awkward to put "legally" in the title. Mess up the flow. Whatever. You know what I mean.
BTW, I should warn you that this post is going to be NSFW. Even more so than usual. If you have a girlfriend, wife, kids, mother, father, friend, sibling, etc. who could walk in on you, you might want to stop reading- I'm going to be posting some highly graphic and perverted pictures to prove my point. And no, I'm NOT going to blur out the "naughty bits", because I fucking hate censorship. Everyone knows what's there; so, let the fucked-up slideshow begin!

http://freakykinky.com/uploads/posts/2013-12/perverted-sex-fantasies_901.jpegYes, that's a girl shitting in a guy's mouth. Because that's sexy to someone. And totally legal.
So's this:
 Yes, she's in pain. But she likes it, so that's legal.

Why is prostitution illegal? I really don't get it. What's so bad about it? Oh, what, that it encourages mistreatment and forced prostitution? Um, no, actually, it does the opposite. "In Amsterdam, we have very few sexual crimes, because the girls are out there in the open. Criminalise, what for? It will always be there, if you try to suppress it, it will come back in one form or another and it will be harder to control." (http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/dec/11/prostitution-netherlands-paying-sex)
Everyone knows that men will pay for sex, and that they'll pay quite a lot for it if they have to, and just about everyone wants to make money; so, money for sex is a pretty obvious and very lucrative choice. The fact that it's illegal is an obstacle, but by no means is it an impassable one; all prostitution's criminality really does is force the pimps and whores underground, and so long as they're already underground why not dabble in the more unsavory aspects of the game? Forced prostitution is rampant, and since all prostitutes are already illegal here, there isn't really any good way to distinguish between consensual and forced sex trafficking. Child prostitution, same thing; since the pimps and traffickers are already underground, it's an easy step and it adds a good bit of money.

But it isn't actually illegal to pay for sex, or to be paid for sex. Porn stars do it all the time, and it's perfectly legal. There is no shame, no cover-up, nothing; they are paid to perform sexual acts, and they do so on the condition of receiving money for it. Porn studios don't pay the stars to spend quality time with one another, maybe give/get a massage, and set up cameras in the hope of filming some down-and-dirtiness; no, they're totally open and up-front with it all.
So this isn't illegal:
(yes, she's pregnant)


OK I'm going to stop now. You get the point. Men and women can, and will, and do, quite often engage in some highly unseemly sexual behavior without any fear of legal intervention. You know what? If you want to see what's really totally legal, go Google "Rule 34". (and then bleach your eyes... I'm sorry!)

So, wait.... We can, and do, pay for someone else to have sex; and people are paid to have sex; and they can do just about anything they want to, within some very, very broad limits (for instance, drawing a 2-year-old having sex is legal here). So it's not like this is protecting the country's innocence or morality at all. And it's NOT protecting women. At all. So wait- why is prostitution "illegal"? For the same reason marijuana is?
Well, that makes sense. Why is marijuana illegal? Especially when alcohol, tobacco, and prescription narcotics are perfectly legal within very broad limits. Put that way, they're kind of a perfect analogy, prostitution and Mary Jane. Something that people enjoy, and which can be abused and almost certainly will be abused if not legally regulated, is denounced as illegal and shameful and sinful and awful and horrible and no we can't have that.
Wait.... why not??

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