Saturday, May 25, 2013


So today's going to be a little bit different.
Actually, no, it isn't; I'm still going to be talking about how fucking stupid people are, and how I don't understand how it is possible to be THIS STUPID and be able to, say, breathe. Not "breathe and walk", just "to breathe".

I grew up with 3 sisters. 3 + my mother = 4. 4 + my great-aunt Sis who lived with us for most of my growing up = 5. I have more than twice as many female cousins as male whom I grew up with. A large majority of my entire family is female. (note: this is my mother's family, because we don't have much to do with my dad's family)
So I have always- *always*- put the toilet lid down. It's just how I was taught. It doesn't matter where I am, or what I've done in the bathroom; the toilet seat and lid will be closed when I leave the bathroom. So all this arguing over "Guys have to put the seat down!!!" *really* pisses me the fuck off, for several reasons:

1) How hard is it to LOOK AT THE GODDAMNED TOILET BEFORE YOU PLOP YOUR ASS DOWN?!?!?!! Seriously?! I always, always, look at the seat before I sit. It's really not hard.
2) If guys are expected to go to the small extra effort to lower the seat, why the fuck can't girls go to that extra step to put it down before they use the toilet?! Yes, it's courteous to leave it down for the lady- but honestly, I've heard many, many stories of guys being told off for holding the door for some woman. So why, if women are so determined to be strong and independent and not waiting for men to come help them and shit, why are guys still expected to lower the seat? Really?

And this is the BIGGEST one, by *far*:

3) Why is the fucking toilet lid not closed anyway?!??!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!?!!
Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?! There have been multiple studies done on how far particles from the toilet can travel on flushing:

I close the toilet immediately after I use it. Every. Time. Don't care where I am, whom else is in the house/building, whom else I can expect to use the bathroom- it WILL be closed when I leave.
Let's think about it: What is in the bathroom? What absorbent, soft items are exposed to the air in the bathroom?
1. Toothbrushes. That's what most of those links discuss; think about *that*: taking a feces/urine-loaded brush and scrubbing your teeth, tongue, lips, etc. with it. Yummy!
2. Your bath towel(s). Yeah, didn't think about that, did you? That soft, absorbent cloth you use to dry your body, hands, your hair, your face, when you're all wet after your bath/shower? Oh, yeah- that'll absorb all *kinds* of particles in the air! There's a comforting thought!
3. Toilet paper- which is *right*next*to* the toilet, and which you'll grab with your hands. OK, so toilet paper isn't going to be the cleanest thing anyway, but it could be a *bit* cleaner, couldn't it?
4. Anything you use for hygeine- sponges, cloths, pumice stones, etc. etc... all of that's in there.

So you just sprayed your entire bathroom with fecal-and-urine-loaded water droplets. Keep in mind, this is NOT line-of-sight; just because your bath towel hangs around a corner from the toilet, doesn't mean it's safe. Just because your toothbrush is on the far side of the sink, it isn't clean. The "aerosol effect" whih has been proven in the drops flung from a flushing toilet means that your bathroom gets a nice *cloud* of the stuff. Oh, you didn't flush and then sprint out, slamming the door behind you? Good; you're now covered in it, too. Your clothes, your hair, your skin, your lips.... good job, you really made sure you were well-covered in that shit! (literally- "that shit")
So, why can't we just forget about "Eeewww, I'm a *girl*, and that means you have to be nice to me! But, I'm totally *not* weaker or softer than you are in *any* respect!" and let's get past the "Well, why do I have to do the work? Why can't you do it?" arguments and posturing, and let's just CLOSE THE DAMN LID before we flush. Please??