Monday, September 16, 2013

Syria (because that's the only thing that's on my mind right now which I can share with you)

So once again, the United States of America is going to do what all the rest of the world thinks is necessary... but which NONE of them want to do themselves.

At least, that's what our own government is saying. I've heard many, many politicians who are 'for' blowing up Syria say that "it's a UN decision, many countries are for it, we have international support....' But I can't help but note that I haven't seen a single one of those "supportive" countries do anything.

It bothers me greatly that the use of chemical weapons is the catalyst for the situation. Yes, I understand that chemical agents have a devastating spread and a small amount can massacre a country and blah blah. I get why chemical weapons are so bad. What I don't get is that, apparently, it's totally OK to slaughter a hundred thousand innocent people- and I'm *sure* that there were a LOT of children in that number!- so long as you use conventional weapons. (i.e. if Assad had literally curb-stomped 100,000 people in the streets, including women and children, the world would have kept saying, "Oh, that's terrible! No, no, no, you really shouldn't do that!" And then we (Americans, at least) would have gone back to our cheeseburgers and fries and soda and cars and etc. But because he used- ALLEGEDLY used, mind you- a chemical weapon to *also* kill about 1,400 people, *that* is barbaric and inhumane and unacceptable and we *have* to stop this, NOW!

Because, again, killing thousands of innocent people is completely OK, so long as you only use conventional methods to do so. Because we like our homicide victims not to pollute the ground when they're buried in mass graves, you know? So messy- where will we grow our special organic foods?!

>>> took a break, continued 20130916 (the next week)<<<

OK, so now, Russia is saying that they're going to broker the handover of all of Syria's chemical weapons. That's......... interesting. Odd. But whatever.
Here's my thing: (or at least, one of my things) People are saying that Russia's been Syria's only real ally, that Pres Putin has been the only person supporting Al-Assad all along. So.... seriously?!
1. What does it take for you to support someone while they're committing genocide? "Yeah, buddy, it's been a while; how have you been?... Oh, got another thousand down? You get 'em, tiger! I'm right here for you!" WTF??
2. WHY are we trusting the guy who has been doing that all along??? We're putting the fate of these chemical weapons in the hands of the only international leader who has been known as an ally all along. I'd say that that indicates that Russia doesn't really give a shit where these weapons go, and that they have no special desire to see them removed from Al-Assad's hands..... so, why are we asking them to do this for us?
3. Russia keeps saying that they want the US to remove all threat of a military strike, to remove that pressure. OK, but how do we know it'll happen? Oh, it's not fair for us to hold a gun to your head while we ask you to put down your weapons? Well, if we put down our gun, what says you're not going to ignore us? The threat of military strike is the only thing which got anyone else to the table to discuss this. So why would we stand down before they do?

BTW, when I say "Russia" and "Syria", I don't mean to generalize all Russians or Syrians. I basically just mean the leaders of those countries, and their government. I don't know if Russian citizens are necessarily for or against Syria's actions.

Anyway, this has been a kind-of rambling, random post.... but I'm finished now. I'll TRY to get on more frequently (how many times have I said that shit now?) and until then........