Sunday, November 17, 2013

So, in other news...

.... I am probably the youngest retired person most of you will ever read a post by.

Yes, my friends, I am officially retired. I'm set to get Social Security payments soon. I am fucking RETIRED.

NOT "separated from service"; RETIRED. There's a HUGE difference.

For instance, although I've only been in the Corps for three years, I get my full GI Bill. I get the benefits 'old' retirees get for health insurance and such- they just have to serve for 20 years to get that.

I still want to be active and healthy and all... but seriously, I am so glad to not *have* to wake up at a certain time.No uniform regulations- not even civilian wear. I no longer have to worry about what's 'appropriate' or PC or whatthefuckever they want.

I'm kind of glad that the Commandant is looking like he'll be forced to be retired. 11+ top brass have filed suit and charges against him- abusing power and privilege,  being a general dick, being a dumbass, etc. I have NO arguments to keep the man in- even as a POG myself, I was astonished that this... this fucking *winger* was even allowed to take command of the Marine Corps.

And while for a while, I tried really hard to accept it, and not be anti-CMC just because he's a POG... but then, the rules started changing. Hey, I'm on board with getting rid of actual *hazing*; the shit guys I know went through before I even enlisted, it's just stupid. But being rough, or mean, while you're training someone? Oh, right, because when rounds are flying overhead and grenades are coming through the windows and shells are landing all around you, you're going to have someone politely asking you to do your job well; the enemy always gives you advance notice before they attack at 0200; a quiet, firm voice is all that's needed to be heard over the chaos of combat. Right?


Fuck that shit. I, and the guys who were with me in the Fleet, we got trained. Sometimes, we got *trained*, but that never lasted long because someone would cry 'foul'. But honestly, I can't even say that when our senior Marines were pissed and fucking with us and making us do dumb shit, that wasn't hazing. No, that was enforcing correct behavior and punishing the wrong. We knew that mistakes cost us, and that we had to work seriously hard to get shit done right.

"Group pain promotes discipline."

I can't tell you how many times we said that in Boot Camp. Now, that's probably considered hazing, because it's mean and promotes violence. BITCH, THIS IS THE FUCKING MILITARY. This is what we *do*.

My boys, the ones who graduated Comm School with me, they now have boots. And grand-boots (boots of the boots of their boots) Their original boots are now Corporals. And their new fucking boots..... holy shit. They aren't allowed to call them "boots". They can't swear at them- call them "bitches", or "fags", or.... yeah. Dog, I tell you, I don't think our Corporals knew any of our names for a few weeks- it was "hey, bitch! Get the *fuck* over here!" or, "Yeah right, fuckhead, are you really that fucking retarded?!" And so on. And on. And on...

What the fuck. WHAT. THE. FUCK.

This is the goddamn Marine Corps we're talking about here. Marines are *supposed* to be hardcore, cold-eyed, badass stone-cold motherfuckers. The tattoo policy- really?! No. No. See, fucking Marines are supposed to be badass motherfucking hardcore killers in the field, and then put on their uniform and be clean and pressed and shiny. The best shit about Marines is that you can pull up the sleeve of their dress blues, and find some seriously fucked-up, twisted tattoos mixed in with scars from godawful shitholes in the world. Marines are professional *killers*; not a professional marching band.

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