Sunday, September 9, 2012

Being really, really stupid

Hey, it's been a minute since I posted, and actually a bit has happened here...

Okay, so there's been a lot of speculation (particularly from my mother) about my ability to drive. Now, anyone who knew me before this little shindig went down, anyone who drove with me, can tell you that I was a good driver. I was a very good driver. I'd never hit anyone, never even cut anyone off in traffic, always obeyed the laws and rules of how I was supposed to drive (well, the speed limit was a little less... just less)

Now, I've started driving again. While I was in the godforsaken slum that is the VA Hospital in Richmond, VA, I drove twice- just twice- and was cleared to drive at all times, in all weather and traffic, and told that it was not necessary to make another appointment.
When I got back to Walter Reed, well, I had a Grand Mal Seizure, and had to try again to get myself cleared to drive. I went into driving rehab and was told that, since I'd been cleared down at Richmond, I was clear to drive. No further testing necessary to release me to wreak havoc upon the law-abiding (mostly) drivers on the road.
However, when I started driving, I had a few small... incidences. One was a very, very minor bump- a person cut in front of me in the stop-and-go traffic before the Bay Bridge tolls, and then traffic stopped dead. So while I was braking to let her in, I wasn't ready for her to *stop*. So I touched the bumper, she got out and said "Oh, don't worry about it at all, there's no damage," got back in her car and kept driving.
... Then, I was returning to Walter Reed, it was dark, raining, and I thought the car ahead of me had a good car-length-and-a-half before it would stop. Turns out, it didn't, and I hit the brakes and slid on the wet blacktop, and we ended up.... I wouldn't call it a "fender bender", because it didn't bend either fender. We pulled into a parking lot, he didn't find any damage on his own bumper other than two 8", fine scratches, and the only damage I could find on our front end was that the license plate was bent.
However, this has raised a lot of serious concerns about how fit I am for driving. I have been setting up as many appointments to work with the driving tutor as possible, but there's only one of them so "as many as possible" isn't many.

Then, there was Thursday night.
I was cruising back to the barracks from eating chow. It was about 1815. I went to make the right-hand turn on the sidewalk to head toward the barrack entrance, there are bushes on either side of the walk I was turning onto, and I pulled a little wide because I paused to see if anyone was there on the sidewalk. So now, I was going wide. I'd slowed to see if anyone was there, but turning had me accelerating again. And then, my left wheel clipped the bush, stopping that left side. The right side kept moving, spinning it to the left, while I was still moving in my original direction (yay, physics!) meaning that I flew for a second or two before eating the concrete.
Now, I didn't think it was that bad. I shook myself a bit, noted that a lot of blood was coming from my forehead above my right eye and that my right elbow was very sore and stiff, and I was shaken; but I know that head wounds bleed a lot, and I'd landed on my right side (did NOT put my hand out to stop my fall, so I didn't break my arm), and I knew I would be shaken- I'd just wiped out hard on concrete. So I figured I'd sit up, get inside, clean up, and be fine. That's when the EMT First Responder who just happened to be taking a smoke nearby came sprinting over and used his hands to keep pressure on my head, while screaming for "my bag" and "CALL 911!!" I was muttering about being okay, and started to try to get up, but he told me not to move. Then I heard the sirens.
Well, long story short (and I mean LONG- 6 hours in the ER) I have 4 stitches over my right eye, and I broke the radial head in my right elbow. I have no (more) brain injury, no neck or back injuries. However, the radial head is what controls your hand rotating and helps your elbow flex. So now, I can't really move my arm, or my hand. So that's my driving definitely out of the question, and my PT on half-hold (because I can't use my hand, and because I can't really move my arm, and any jostling hurts... a lot.

Well, that's all of my news for now, really. Still continuing with Speech Therapy (it's nothing to do with speaking, it's cognition) and TBI Occupational Therapy, and Vision Therapy (still have double vision to my left side, right side normal) and I'll figure out what I can do with PT.

So, that's all for now; I'll see you all later.

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