Thursday, October 25, 2012

I'm expecting some death threats now...

So I haven't written in a while.
But now, I'm going to go and be FAR MORE out-of-line and say something probably more damaging and inflammatory than my post on racism:

Christians are idiots.

Now, HOLD ON. I'm NOT saying that ALL Christians are idiots! (yes, I know that is, technically, what I said, but hear me out) My whole family is Christian; I was raised, and continue to be nurtured and cared for, by an entirely Christian household. I have enormous respect for the Church, and for Christian love and the widespread, great support and help that they give to people all over the world- missionary work has, for centuries, made a huge impact on people in almost every country.
However, I have reached the point where I firmly call myself Agnostic. I am not Christian, primarily because I can't agree with most of the actions, practices, and some of the beliefs of the church.
However, ignoring the discussion of the actual beliefs I have an issue with, this is what has been seriously pissing me off for a few years now:
Christians have forgotten to show the love that they preach.
Now, that's not saying that I'm a particularly loving person. I don't selflessly give all of my money to charity; I don't spend my nights rounding up the homeless to lead into shelters; I haven't committed my life to bringing people I don't know out of destitution. However, it angers me because the Church has, since its inception, done nothing but preach tolerance and love for all people, and simultaneously done nothing but discriminate, argue, and whine.

This is particularly true today, in the United States of America. One of the cornerstones of American policy is religious tolerance; Americans have always, in theory, been totally free to practice whatever they feel they must.
However, that's not true today.
I've recently found a channel on YouTube called "The Young Turks"
I like this channel because they talk about, and agree with, a lot of things I feel.
One of their videos in particular talks about Texas A&M University, which some time ago was building a tower which incorporated four Christian crosses into its design. A Professor took issue with that, because although it was *at the time* being built on private land, it was being built with tax dollars, and would eventually become the property of the State University. Because of her protest, they did remove the crosses from the design.
The Professor then received *death threats* from Christians in the area.
... Let's say that again:
... WaitWHAT??!!??!!!
The Christians were angry because they felt persecuted against, and they thought that this woman Professor was evil and must hate them, and they were clearly standing up for their rights, which as we all know are under siege every day in this Christian-hating country.

..... WOAH. Back. The. FUCK. Up.
This country was founded by devout Christians. "One Nation, under God..." is in the goddamn pledge of allegiance to this country, and every fucking day there's a HUGE argument about how agnostics, atheists, and other religious followers argue that that phrase should be removed- and immediately, Christians rise up all over the country and SCREAM, because their freedoms are being infringed upon!
Fucking. No.
Dude. Really?! No. Just, fucking, no.
And this isn't like when I talked about black people, and had to say that "I don't know what persecution might really be going on, because I'm not black..." No. I was raised Christian, I lived as a Christian until I was in High School (if anyone asks, I'll talk about WHY I stopped calling myself Christian) and my entire family is Christian. (well, the family I know- we don't really talk to, or see often, my dad's side) So I DO actually know what it's like to be a Christian in this country. And I've seen the arguments about Christians for years; and honestly, most of them are because Christians take issue with something that ISN'T a big issue, and they say things that piss other rational people off and then defend them to the hilt, and honestly this country ISN'T brimming with hatred for Christians.

But honestly. Really. HOLY SHIT. Let's let some OTHER people into the 'safe zone', shall we? Let's let the Muslims, who in the last DECADE have been treated HORRIBLY by everyone from airport security, to mall cops, to CHILDREN in middle school, to neighbors who watch them through the blinds whenever they carry a box into the house, have a little breathing room! Let's give atheists the freedom to NOT believe what they don't believe, instead of FORCING them to say that they believe in God during the Pledge of Allegiance.
Think about this: What would happen if a Christian was made to say that it was *possible* that God wasn't true? Think about all the anger and near-violence over the teaching of the THEORY of Evolution in schools?! I'm sorry, but this is a goddamn SCIENCE CLASS, so let's teach fucking SCIENTIFIC THEORY, not religious belief. I don't believe that the entire Universe could have started from the "Big Bang", but that has been leading SCIENTIFIC THEORY for years- so why can't they teach that in a SCIENCE class??!
See, that's somewhere where Christians were asked to listen to THEORY that wasn't entirely based on FAITH- which the Bible itself says is "...being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1, NIV)- while sitting in a SCIENCE CLASS. Science, let's remember, is "
systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation." (
So clearly, Christians in this country are only worried about their OWN freedoms, protecting their OWN beliefs- and they have the nerve to be surprised, hurt, and angry when people are wary and mistrustful of, and hurt by, the Christian Church.
So, yes, I don't like the Christian Church today. I don't follow their practices, I don't agree with a lot of their positions, and I don't like or agree with a lot of their public actions and/or statements.
So now, I'll be waiting for the Death Threats to arrive in the mail.  (it's possible that some of them will come from my own family....)

By the way, I'm NOT finished with this. My next post (coming either tonight or tomorrow, hopefully) will be about homosexuality, and possibly about name-calling (although that might just be its own post)

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