Friday, October 26, 2012

To wrap it all up...

Well, today is just a little combination of a few previous posts, but this is something that has been on my mind lately because I've talked about it with a few people lately (don't ask me why- I swear, conversations have a life of their own. An UNDEAD life)

This is about homosexual marriage.
I'm HOPING that this is short, because if it goes on for very long it's just going to be RANTING. (not that it won't be anyway, but short rants, I can read. Long ones are just annoying)

I did not think of this idea on my own. My older sister first mentioned this to me, and then (rather astonishingly) my mother made almost the exact same argument just a few days later.

And I'm just going to jump *straight* into it:
I don't think that homosexual couples should be permitted to marry. I think that it is perfectly acceptable, in fact even expected, of the Church- at least, the Christian church- to have rules against homosexuality. I mean, it says, clearly, in the Bible- I think multiple times, too- that a man should not be 'with' a man.
(it's interesting- it doesn’t say that women shouldn’t have relationships with women: “their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature… the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.” [Romans 1:26-27, NIV] so it specifically says men shouldn’t be ‘with’ men, but it doesn’t specify with women… and, who wrote the bible? MEN? Hmmm….)
NOW, moving right along.
I also think that the government has NO FUCKING BUSINESS deciding whom may marry. NONE. IT IS NOT THE GOVERNMENT’S JOB TO MARRY PEOPLE.
MARRIAGE is actually a religious ceremony. It is joining two people in the eyes of God and the Church.
And, as I recall, there are one or two minor little things in our country’s laws which say that there is a clear SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
So, if marriage- marriage, mind- is a religious institution, WHY is the fucking government fiddling with it?! The government has NO authority over it!! It can’t even annul marriages it feels are inappropriate or unwise, and it certainly can’t make the Church marry people the Church doesn’t believe should be married.

So, this whole ‘homosexual marriage’ controversy, where everyone is protesting and making laws and speeches and there is an incessant stream of bullshit that shouldn’t be said or done, is absolute horseshit. It shouldn’t be an issue.
Yes, the State may join two persons. That is a LEGAL institution- people may be joined by a Judge, and they are NOT married. And vice versa: if two people are married, then they should also have to apply for legal recognition, to be seen legally as a couple.
So, the Church doesn’t want to let gay people marry? Okay, don’t. However, the government should have NO say on this matter; they just join those who request it, who have sound reason to be together. (two 8-year-old kids would not be unified in the eyes of the Law, for instance)
This would mean that the government would be serving its citizens, as it should, according to their wishes; and the Church would continue to hold its beliefs, untainted, unmarred by political squabbling. However the Church sees fit to practice its religion, including not marrying same-sex couples, is, in this country, absolutely okay.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. Has D.C. just forgotten about that? Why is this a problem? The Church can’t- CAN’T- make the government recognize what it thinks is right; and likewise, the government CAN’T force the Church to accept the rules which it- the government- decides to live by.

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